Master JavaScript — the programming language that powers most websites and web applications.
JavaScript Fundamentals
- Variable Declaration – Declaring variables using const and let with different scopes and mutability.
- Data Types – Understanding strings, numbers, booleans, objects, and arrays.
- Template Strings – Interpolating variables and expressions using backticks.
- Operators – Using logical, comparison, mathematical operators, and the nullish coalescing operator (??).
- Conditional Statements – Writing if/else and switch logic, handling truthy vs falsy values.
- Functions & Methods – Defining functions and methods, passing parameters, and returning values.
- Loops – Iterating with for, while, forEach , and other loop types.
- JSON & Math Object – Working with JSON and JavaScript’s Math object for operations.
- DOM Manipulation – Selecting and modifying DOM elements using getElementById, querySelector , etc.
- Event Handling – Attaching event listeners with addEventListener for user interaction.
- Working with Text and HTML – Manipulating innerText, textContent, and innerHtml in the DOM.
- localStorage – Storing and retrieving data in the browser using localStorage.
- Debugging – Debugging JavaScript with Google DevTools.
Advanced JavaScript
- Methods & Loops – Advanced iteration techniques for arrays and objects.
- Function Expressions & Patterns – Understanding function expressions, arrow functions, and generators.
- Asynchronous JavaScript & APIs – Working with promises, async/await, and fetching data from APIs.
- Working with Objects – Creating custom objects, using symbols, and collections.
- Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) – Understanding classes, constructors, inheritance, and encapsulation.
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