- Learn how to build modern, dynamic web apps using React.
- Master core React concepts like components, state, and hooks.
- By the end, you’ll create and deploy efficient, responsive web applications.
React Fundamentals
- React installation and setup using Vite or Create React App.
- Create reusable functional components with inline, external CSS, CSS modules, and JavaScript styling.
- Pass data between components using props and validate with PropTypes.
- Handle user interactions with event handlers ( onClick, onMouseEnter, onMouseLeave).
- Use useState to manage state and map , filter to dynamically render lists.
- Manage side effects like data fetching with useEffect.
- Avoid props drilling with the Context API using useContext.
- Implement navigation between pages using React Router DOM ( Link, dynamic routes, useParams).
- Use useRef to maintain values without re-rendering, and useState for dynamic state changes.
- Fetch data from APIs using Axios, manage loading, errors, and cancel requests with abort controllers.
- Understand lifecycle hooks, JSX, and virtual DOM optimizations.
Advanced React
- Optimize performance with useCallBack, useMemo, and React memo
- Manage complex state logic with useReducer.
- Reuse stateful logic by creating custom hooks.
- Build feature-specific and reusable custom components.
- Improve performance by caching API data with useMemo.
- Implement user authentication with Clerk.
- Style applications using Tailwind and Daisy UI components.
- Fetch data and display it using Daisy UI components (spinners, tables, error handling).
- Use ChatGPT to assist in passing data between React components and Daisy UI.
- Deploy React applications on Vercel.
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